
Through The Glass Darkly

Sam Berkson Performs His Poem “Ode to the Bicycle”

So what is so cool here?  He are teachers and a performers, who brings poetry to life for their students.  They the teachers you wish you had, instead of the ex-marine, who told you all your questions were personnel problems.  Yea, I had that guy.  He was an Algebra teacher.  How are Algebra questions personnel problems?  Ask a marine.

I first heard about English teacher Sam Berkson and Art teacher Chris Beschi in an article here in The Guardian.  I can’t tell you how jealous I am of kids in his classes.  Must be incredible.

8 thoughts on “Okay This is cool!

  1. Bastet says:

    OMG! I had an ex-marine as an algebra teaher too! He was such an sob, never answer a question…once I got out of that course (and how I did I don’t know) I never did another math course in my life! Then there are the other kind of teachers… :-)


    1. I agree. I had a couple of really cool science teachers that made up for all the mediocre and terrible ones. :)


  2. pishnguyen says:

    That was fantastic!!!

    I had an ex-marine for a geometry teacher, but he was a great teacher. I struggled with all things mathematical, and geometry was no exception. He stayed late for months to tutor me, until I understood what I was doing. And the great thing about it is that I never even asked him to do it. He saw I was having problems, and he offered me the extra help.

    The PE teacher, on the other hand … I hated. Not sure if he was an ex-anything, but he was not a nice human being. He made fun of me in class and embarrassed me. I still have bad memories of that guy. =(


    1. I can relate to the hell of PE. Who says “I want to be a PE teacher when I grow up?” Nazis that’s who.


      1. pishnguyen says:

        Ha! I could not agree more. :D


  3. hellomimosa says:

    Yes! I wish more teachers made themselves more relatable. Better yet, I wish they’d put forth the effort to TRY to frame things better


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