
Through The Glass Darkly

9 thoughts on “Bedroom window #78

  1. socialbridge says:

    The great news is that green shoots are alive and well here in Ireland. I was just like you a few weeks ago but now the whole of nature seems to have come alive.


    1. Awesome! Sounds beautiful. I would definitely love to see Ireland someday.


      1. socialbridge says:

        Ireland is ‘awesome’ to use a word we don’t really use here. Hopefully some day you will get here in springtime and see the precious green shoots!


  2. abigler42 says:

    I love this haiku and the idea of the picture with the same view each day and different haiku is wonderful! As I read through them I am becoming more and more excited to see those green leaves!


    1. Thank you. I tried to take of picture of myself a day for a year, but I lost interest after a week. This has really got me excited to watch for small changes. : )


  3. debcorreia says:

    I too searched
    for the buds upon the tree.


    1. I search every day too. I have never paid attention to this before. Usually I just look up one day and it is green. I really looking forward to capturing the change this year.


      1. debcorreia says:

        I am eagerly anticipating springs arrival.


  4. Yoshiko says:

    I think the green leaf disappears and will re-surface during spring :-)


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